Spring Open HouseSaturday, March 29, 2025 at 9:00 AM until 12:00 PMEastern Daylight Time UTC -04:00Map and DirectionsSUNY Adirondack640 Bay RdQueensbury, NY 12804United StatesLoading...SUNY Adirondack 640 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Check in 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM in Northwest Bay, Adirondack Hall Campus MapItinerary Meet with Faculty Learn about financial aid Tour campus including our Residence Hall Get all your questions answered InstructionsPlease complete the form below to register for our Spring Open House. Connect with our faculty, tour the campus, and learn more about our degree programs.* RequiredI am a: *I am a: *Prospective studentCommunity memberReturning studentStudent InformationFirst NamePreferred NameLast NamePersonal Email AddressMobile Phone NumberBirth Date * (Select Month/ Day/ Year)Birth Date * (Select Month/ Day/ Year)JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900Academic InformationExpected Entry TermPlease Select TermFall 2025Fall 2026Spring 2026What program(s) are you interested in?Please select a program from the listAccountingAccounting- SaratogaAgricultural BusinessBroadcast Media ProductionBusiness AdministrationBusiness Administration- SaratogaComputer ScienceCreative WritingCriminal Justice: Police ScienceCriminal Justice: Substance Abuse ServicesCulinary and Baking ArtsCulinary ArtsCulinary CertificateEngineering ScienceEntrepreneurship and Business Management CertificateEnvironmental & Resource Conservation (1+1)Fine ArtsForest Technology (1+1)Histotechnician (1+1)Hospitality CertificateHospitality ManagementInformation Technology: Computer NetworkingInformation Technology: CybersecurityJourneyworkerLand Surveying Technology (1+1)Liberal Arts & Sciences: Humanities & Social SciencesLiberal Arts & Sciences: Humanities & Social Sciences, Adolescence Education EnglishLiberal Arts & Sciences: Humanities & Social Sciences, AnthropologyLiberal Arts & Sciences: Humanities & Social Sciences, Early Childhood/Childhood EducationLiberal Arts & Sciences: Humanities & Social Sciences, EnglishLiberal Arts & Sciences: Humanities & Social Sciences, Political ScienceLiberal Arts & Sciences: Humanities & Social Sciences, PsychologyLiberal Arts & Sciences: Individual StudiesLiberal Arts & Sciences: Individual Studies- SaratogaLiberal Arts & Sciences: Mathematics & ScienceLiberal Arts & Sciences: Mathematics & Science, Adolescence Education MathematicsLiberal Arts & Sciences: Mathematics & Science, Health EducationLiberal Arts & Sciences: Mathematics & Science, MathematicsManagement, Marketing and EntrepreneurshipManagement, Marketing and Entrepreneurship- SaratogaMechatronicsMedia ArtsMedia Arts CertificateNursingOutdoor EducationPhysical Education StudiesTeaching Assistant CertificateUndecidedHigh SchoolCEEBAdditional InformationAre you interested in Athletics?Are you interested in Athletics?YesNoWhat sport are you interested in?Please select a sportMen's BaseballMen's BasketballMen's GolfMen's SoccerWomen's BasketballWomen's GolfWomen's SoccerWomen's SoftballWomen's VolleyballPlease describe any other areas you are interested in learning more about during your visit.How many guests will be coming with you?Please select number of guests012345Do you have any accommodation needs that you would like to share with us? *Do you have any accommodation needs that you would like to share with us? *YesNoPlease explain.Community Member InformationFirst NameLast NameEmail Addressdevice typeAdirondack EmailEvening PhoneFax NumberMobile PhonePrimary PhoneEmail AddressEmail Add formula to copy the device value. Set this to hiddenMobile Phone (By providing your mobile phone number, you agree to receive text reminders for the event)mobile device typeAdirondack EmailEvening PhoneFax NumberMobile PhonePrimary PhoneEmail AddressPlease describe your role or what organization you represent.Submit